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Hair Extension Hookup will be your
GO-TO Hair Extension bible.

Unlock access to an extensive amount of hair extension information which will be delivered quickly, simply & unbiased.
We get you hooked up with what you want, when you want it. 

In a few clicks you can gain knowledge, shop products and Hookup with the extensionist who best suits you.

Extensionists will be featured on the largest Salon Finder 
Plus its a place to connect suppliers, trainers and more business tools together in a way we haven't had before 

Whatever your Hair Extension needs are,
you'll be hooked up with what you want straight away. 

Welcome to

I'm so excited you're here!

Just FYI: This is a temporary page while we finalise the main website - we cant wait to show you the full website!

Lets get you

Hooked Up!

Home: About Me
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Owner: Toni Shand

Whatsapp: 07506 617546

(Owner of HB3 Hair Extensions)


Home: Services
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